Last March we were awarded the lots corresponding to the Electrical Installation and Special Installations for the Immochan Shopping Center, which is located within the commercial complex called “Parque Rioja” in Logroño.
The project execution date is approximately 6 months, beginning work in the month of April.
The purpose of this project is the reform of the main facade, accesses and the gallery of the shopping center, giving a more contemporary image to the whole.
Within the electrical section, the installation includes:
- Sectioning and transformation centers for both company and local supply in B.T. as a subscriber for general services of the building.
- Centralization of counters for individual referrals to premises in B.T.
- Control and protection panels and Subframes.
- General and emergency lighting.
- Feeding of air conditioning and ventilation receivers.
We will install decorative lighting using the latest technologies developed by the best manufacturers, such as backlit tensioned textile over the area of terraces, strips and led projectors in the gallery, etc.